Bullying/Cyberbullying PSA
The Facts
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Who's Affected?

A study conducted explains that 1 in 7 students are affected by bullying

...and this number is expected to grow.

Bullying Tactics

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Facts of Bullying


An approximate 160,000 students have skipped school due to bullying.

Targeted Groups

Students that have been bulllied report that bullying occurs because of appearence, race, gender, disability, or religion.


• Suicide is often an affect of constant bullying.
• Grades falling
• Not eating or drinking
• Not sleeping


There are usually witnesses, though they rarely respond or report due to a fear of being bullied.

Facts of Cyberbullying

Even worse

95% of teen are online, so it's more common to be cyberbullied.

4 in 5 rather than 1 in 5

It is reported that 4 in 5 students have been cyberbullied, and this is greater because of anonymity on the internet.

Gender is important

Girls are more likely to be victims and perpetrators of cyberbullying. 15% of teen girls have been the target of at least four different kinds of abusive online behavior. Compare to 6% for boys.

The Cyberbullying Problem

Cyberbulling on Social Media Platforms.

  • Facebook

    Since Facebook has started in 2004. Over 54% of people who have used it has experienced cyberbullying.

  • YouTube

    While on YouTube, most people aren't as abusive, it still has its fair share of cyberbullying. From an early report, it says that over 25% of people on the platform experience cyberbullying

  • Twitter

    On Twitter, your opinions are highly judged. One wrong opinion, and you'll be criticized on any of your next moves. It is believed that over 30% of users experience cyberbullying on the platform.

  • Instagram

    On Instagram, people post photos of themselves. However, people criticize harshly here and allow the person to feel humiliated or ashamed of themselves.  This is even easier as people feel safe behind a screen. Over 60% of users on Instagram are believed to be cyberbullied.

  • TikTok

    The new 'hot' social media app TikTok has become a new player in the social media game with now over 1 Billion users on the app daily. While there are not any certified reports of Cyberbullying, the app has removed over 200 videos because of bullying. TikTok has also influenced 'Cancel' culture where creators are 'muted' because of something they have done.

  • That however, isn't all of the cyberbullying

What can I do?

• Help kids understand bullying
• Tell them to try to report any bullying they see
• Let kids know you're trusted.
• Keep lines of communication open. 
• Be a model an show others how to treat others with respect.

• Report any suspicious activity here.
• Visit StopBullying.Gov
• Tell a trusted adult of teacher.
Visit the Huntsville School District's Title IX Page

Need to talk to someone?

Toni Workman

Huntsville Middle School


Someone you trust.


An online tool with tons of resources.